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[时事] 青年说||杨双:当代青年要有责任更要有担当











发表于 2020-10-18 12:07:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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青年说||杨双:当代青年要有责任更要有担当Youth Talk|| Yang Shuang:Youth and Responsibility



亲爱的朋友们,大家好!我是湖北省荆门市环境保护志愿者协会理事、大柴湖志愿服务队队长杨双。很高兴能有这个机会在当红生态青年说栏目里,和大家一起分享我对环境保护的理解和认识。Hello, dear friends! I am Yang Shuang, director of the Environmental Protection Volunteer Association of Jingmen, Hubei, and captain of the Dachai Lake Volunteer Service Team. I am rather glad to share my understanding of environmental protection with you all.



开展保护母亲河活动我们这一代青年人有青年人的担当,这个时代的担子也注定将由我们肩负起。要做好新时代的有为青年,要实现的不仅是思想上的转变,更需要的是行动上的实践。记得小时候,跟父母一起在汉江堤外边收割麦子的时候,因为是夏天天气比较炎热,带去的水也喝完了,当时我很口渴,父亲说着就带着我走向汉江边上,他告诉我说河边的水很清澈,扒开水面捧起来就可以直接喝,说着他就演示着让我看。伴随着社会的进步、工业的发展,环境破坏日益严重,许多年之后我再次陪父母一起到堤外边收割麦子,这一次,我看到了汉江里的水很浑浊,已经不能直接捧起来喝了,在一旁收割麦子的乡亲说,汉江的水已经不在是以前那清澈见底的水了,这几年被污染到了。这件事对我触动很大,当时我就暗暗下了决心,一点要尽自己的努力为保护母亲河贡献一份力量。Our younger generation must shoulder the burden of this era. Not only must we shouldunderstand the responsibility to protect the environment in mind, but also put itinto action. I often recalled the scene of harvesting wheat on the bank of the Han River with my parents when I was young. It was a hot summer and I got thirsty at that time. My father told me that the water in the river was very clear and could be drunk directly. While he said, he showed it to me. With the progress of society and the development of industry, environmental damage has become increasingly serious. Many years later, I accompanied my parents to the embankment again. I found that the water in the Han River was so muddy that I could no longer drink it directly. The working folks said that the Han River had been polluted badly and it was no longer the clear water that used to be. This touched me a lot. At that time, I made up my mind to do my best to protect the Mother River.

为此在2014年初我就开始接触环境保护,组织乡村环保志愿者服务队定期开展保护母亲河等活动,助力大柴湖经济开发区党委政府推进绿色发展,参与环境整治,维护生态系统。2018年,我正式加入荆门市环境保护志愿者协会担任理事,并成立荆门市环境保护志愿者协会大柴湖服务队,同年又拓展出青少年环境保护项目组,带领青少年环保小卫士参与街道环境整治,秸秆禁烧宣传,保护母亲河,等生态环境保护的实践活动。At the beginning of 2014, I successively participated in a series of environmental protection activities, such as organizing a rural environmental protection volunteer service team to regularly carry out river protection operations, andassisting the Party Committee and Government of Dachhai Lake Economic Development Zone to promote environmental improvement and maintain the ecosystem. In 2018, I formally joined the Jingmen Environmental Protection Volunteer Association as a director, and established the Dachai Lake Service Team of the Jingmen Environmental Protection Volunteer Association. In the same year, I set up a youth environmental protection team, leading young environmental protection guards to participate in improving the community environment, banning straw burning, protecting the mother river, and other environmental protection activities.



一份耕耘,一分收获,2020年9月至今,大柴湖环保志愿服务队开展环境保护活动20余期次,主要有环境污染整治,分析了环境保护的主要矛盾所在,使环境污染恶化的趋势得到了扭转,在我市柴湖镇引起了较好的社会反响。同时也先后获得了湖北青年环境友好使者、荆门市向上向善好青年、钟祥市志愿服务标兵志愿者等多项荣誉。No hard work, no gain. Since September 2020, the Dachai Lake Environmental Protection Volunteer Service Team has carried out more than 20 environmental protection activities. The focus of the team is environmental pollution remediation. By analyzing the main contradictions of environmental protection, the trend of deterioration of pollution has been reversed. Our work has aroused a positive social response. The team has won many honors including the Youth Environmental-Friendly Envoy of Hubei Province, Upward Good Youth of Jingmen City, and Model Volunteer Service of Zhongxiang City.Young andpromisingPROMISING





从“金山银山不如绿水青山”到“既要金山银山又要绿水青山”再到“绿水青山就是金山银山”。关于环保问题,我们一直在关注着,也一直在努力着。党的十九大报告指出,“到2020年,坚决打好污染防治攻坚战,使全面建成小康社会得到人民认可、经得起历史检验”,“到2035年,生态环境根本好转,美丽中国目标基本实现”……这些划时代的表述为建设新时代中国特色社会主义生态文明指明了方向,明晰了任务。Priceless wealth is not as good as clear water and lush mountains. It is priceless wealth to change to clear water and lush mountains, and then to clear water and lush mountains. As for environmental protection, we have been paying attention to it and working hard. The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that:“by 2020, we must resolutely work on the pollution prevention and control, so that the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects will be recognized by the people and can stand the test of history”, and “By 2035, the ecological environment will be fundamentally improved and the goal of a beautiful China will be basically achieved.”These epoch-making expressions have pointed out the direction and clarified the tasks for building a new era of socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics.



保护生态环境至关重要,正如习近平总书记所说的:“要像保护眼睛一样保护生态环境,要像对待生命一样对待生态环境。”我们虽不像那些治沙英雄一般能奉献自己大半辈子的生命去创造绿色,但我们可以向他们学习,把保护生态环境的理念深植于心,从最最基本的小事着手。比如减少了一次使用塑料袋,就无形中多了一次低碳环保的出行……我相信,蓝天白云、碧水青山的美景会越变越多。Protecting the ecological environment is very important, as General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “We must protect the ecological environment like protecting our eyes, and we must treat the ecological environment like life”. Although it is difficult for us to dedicate our lives to protect the ecology like desert control heroes, we can learn from them, take the concept of protecting the ecological environment deeply in our hearts, and start with the most basic steps. For example, avoiding the use of plastic bags once is equivalent to a low-carbon and environmentally friendly trip. I believe that there will be more and more beautiful views of blue sky, white clouds, clear water, and green mountains.

未来还有很漫长、很艰难的路要走,只有持之以恒地用心保护环境,才能促进人与自然、环境与发展、建设与保护、经济增长与社会进步相平衡的可持续发展,我们的地球才会永远年轻貌美,充满生机。There is still a long and difficult road to go in the future. Only by persistently protecting the environment can we promote sustainable development that balances man and nature, environment and development, construction and protection, economic growth, and social progress. The earth will always be full of vitality.



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